A warm welcome to the Guru Gobind Singh Childrens Foundation (GGSCF), a fantastic local organization whos motto is “children helping children”. Last year the group organized a run across Canada to raise funds for local children’s hospoitals. Volunteers from GGSCF will be regularly helping out at the Seva Food Bank. Here’s what they had to say about their first volunteer experience:
Sunday November 14, 2010, eight volunteers from the GGSCF went to help out for the first time with the new Seva Food Bank in Mississauga. The food bank was started in September this year and in October volunteers came to the GGSCF meeting to train the volunteers which lead to this effort. The volunteers spent time taking food orders from those that use the food bank and then filling these food orders based on what was available. It was a little disheartening to see the need especially in a country like Canada and the limited amounts of food that were available. It was also reassuring to see the way Seva Food Bank is working to fill this need especially on a cold wet afternoon when some of the patrons starting waiting before the food bank was opened. The GGSCF would like to thank Sarpreet who took this new initiative to organize the volunteers and will be doing so again in the future. So if you can spare a afternoon please contact her and sign-up for a very worthwhile cause. (link)